Pubs have always played a vital role in country communities. The hospitality they offer is second to none. But declining populations and waning tourism have put country pubs under threat. They need more guests—and we know plenty of them.

That’s why we’ve partnered with rural communities to return 5 of Australia’s favourite pubs, and most-loved publicans, back to their former glory.


Meet the winners

The Country Pub Project received over 9000 nominations. With so many moving stories about much loved local pubs, we found it impossible to choose just five winners. So we added a sixth. Offering accommodation and already oozing charm, these six country pubs are about to receive some much needed TLC—and a whole lot more guests.

Ravenswood, QLD
Imperial Hotel
Ravenswood was a ghost town when Diane and John took over the Imperial Hotel some 20 years ago. They may be the town’s good luck charm though, as gold was discovered just a few months later. The pub—and the town—have been kicking ever since.
Toora, VIC
The Royal Standard Hotel
When the Toora Magpies hit a rough patch the past few seasons, publicans Amy and Steve painted the Royal Standard in the team’s colours to show their support. They know how much everyone loves their pub, so they give as much love back to the community in return.
Waratah, TAS
Bischoff Hotel
A few years ago, Paul and Liz went on a family holiday to Waratah. It was here that they came across the Bischoff Hotel, and fell in love at first sight. So much so, they decided to buy it.
Ravenswood, QLD
Imperial Hotel
Ravenswood was a ghost town when Diane and John took over the Imperial Hotel some 20 years ago. They may be the town’s good luck charm though, as gold was discovered just a few months later. The pub—and the town—have been kicking ever since.
Toora, VIC
The Royal Standard Hotel
When the Toora Magpies hit a rough patch the past few seasons, publicans Amy and Steve painted the Royal Standard in the team’s colours to show their support. They know how much everyone loves their pub, so they give as much love back to the community in return.
Waratah, TAS
Bischoff Hotel
A few years ago, Paul and Liz went on a family holiday to Waratah. It was here that they came across the Bischoff Hotel, and fell in love at first sight. So much so, they decided to buy it.

Help that's here to stay

For country pubs to keep the beer flowing and their towns thriving well into the future, it’ll take ongoing support from the community too. Your community, and ours. Here’s how each of us can play our part.


We found our pubs

We scoured Australia for country pubs that were in need of a little TLC—and a whole lot more guests. While we originally planned for five winners, we were so moved by the number of nominations and touching stories that we eventually settled on six.

We found our pubs

We scoured Australia for country pubs that were in need of a little TLC—and a whole lot more guests. While we originally planned for five winners, we were so moved by the number of nominations and touching stories that we eventually settled on six.

We’re lending a hand

Each of the six pubs have been allocated a grant of $50,000 along with a team of design professionals, and each publican has been paired with a host to help them list on Airbnb.

We’re lending a hand

Each of the six pubs have been allocated a grant of $50,000 along with a team of design professionals, and each publican has been paired with a host to help them list on Airbnb.

We spread the word

From now on, we’ll be encouraging the Airbnb community to venture off the beaten track and stay in a room at a country pub. Because with every visit to small town Australia, we know travellers will gain something in return—a reminder of the joy of slowing down and finding the time to do not much at all.

We spread the word

From now on, we’ll be encouraging the Airbnb community to venture off the beaten track and stay in a room at a country pub. Because with every visit to small town Australia, we know travellers will gain something in return—a reminder of the joy of slowing down and finding the time to do not much at all.

For more details of how this will work, please read our FAQs below.


Meet the community

As more Australians start to rediscover their own backyard, we hope they’ll reconnect with each other as well. Because bringing people together is what country publicans are all about. And what Airbnb does best.

Pub goer
Ron's been sinking schooners at the Royal since way back in 1954. Decades have passed, but not much has changed—apart from the fact he’s now the mayor and gets around in a brand new Mustang.
Pub goer
Wayne, the local carpenter, has kept much of Sofala standing. He even takes it upon himself to prop up the bar. A master of the bush oven, Wayne’s whole roast lamb and hot beef rolls go perfectly with a nice cold beer.
Pub goer
He may live a little out of Sofala, but everyone knows Dan by name. Might have something to do with him being a plumber, and at this time of year the pipes freeze over in almost every building around town.
Pub goer
Sandra’s from Sydney originally, but no one holds that against her. After selling the nearby general store, she now does the odd shift at the Royal. She pours beer as well as she drinks it, and she loves to have a good yak.
Pub goer
Ron's been sinking schooners at the Royal since way back in 1954. Decades have passed, but not much has changed—apart from the fact he’s now the mayor and gets around in a brand new Mustang.
Pub goer
Wayne, the local carpenter, has kept much of Sofala standing. He even takes it upon himself to prop up the bar. A master of the bush oven, Wayne’s whole roast lamb and hot beef rolls go perfectly with a nice cold beer.
Pub goer
He may live a little out of Sofala, but everyone knows Dan by name. Might have something to do with him being a plumber, and at this time of year the pipes freeze over in almost every building around town.

Česta pitanja

Got questions about The Country Pub Project? We might just have the answers.

Što je to „The Country Pub Project”?

Pubovi smješteni izvan velikih gradova nisu tek mjesta gdje možete prenoćiti ili odmoriti uz hladno pivo. Te predivne stare građevine središte su zbivanja u lokalnoj zajednici, ali potrebna im je vaša pomoć kako bi opstale. Airbnb njihovim vlasnicima omogućuje da oglase svoje pubove, privuku nove goste i vrate život u zabačena područja diljem Australije. Pet odabranih vlasnika dobit će novčanu potporu i pomoć u obnovi puba, a Airbnb će pokrenuti kampanju kojom će potaknuti putnike da posjete ta mjesta u ruralnim dijelovima Australije.

Zašto je Airbnb odlučio uključiti pubove na svoju platformu?

Vlasnici pubova u malim mjestima vrhunski su domaćini, a boravak u sobi iznad takvog puba jedinstveni je oblik ugošćivanja u Australiji koji iznimno cijenimo i želimo potaknuti njegov razvoj.

Mogu li bilo koji pub u Australiji prijaviti za sudjelovanje?

Pub možete prijaviti za sudjelovanje u projektu ako ispunjava sljedeće uvjete: u okviru puba postoje smještajne jedinice i nalazi se u području ruralne odnosno regionalne Australije, izvan velikih gradova.

Nisu li Airbnb i pubovi koji sami po sebi gostima već pružaju smještaj na neki način konkurencija?

Airbnb gostima iz cijeloga svijeta omogućuje pronalaženje različitih vrsta smještaja, uključujući pubove. Mnogi vlasnici pubova diljem Australije već iznajmljuju sobe putem Airbnba i izvrsni su domaćini. Oglašavanjem soba na našoj platformi vlasnici imaju priliku privući nove goste što tim pubovima i mjestima u kojima se oni nalaze daje novi život.

Zašto je projekt usmjeren isključivo na pubove smještene u područjima ruralne odnosno regionalne Australije? Zašto nisu uključeni i pubovi u urbanim područjima?

Područja ruralne i regionalne Australije bore se s padom broja stanovnika, sušama i sve manjim brojem turista čime je opstanak njihovih lokalnih pubova doveden u pitanje. Airbnb želi surađivati s lokalnim vlastima i stanovnicima tih mjesta kako bi potaknuo zdravi razvoj turizma i jačanje lokalnih zajednica.

Postoje li još neke prednosti osim suradnje s Airbnbom?

Airbnb će promicati mjesta u ruralnoj odnosno regionalnoj Australiji i poticati goste da ih posjete.

Do pubs have to be listed on Airbnb in order to be eligible?


Koliko će pubova biti odabrano za sudjelovanje u projektu „The Country Pub Project”?

Za sudjelovanje u projektu „The Country Pub Project” odabrat ćemo pet pubova. Vlasnik svakog puba morat će potpisati ugovor s Airbnbom u kojem će biti navedeni uvjeti dodjele novčane potpore.

Hoće li vlasnici morati objaviti svoje pubove na Airbnbu ako budu odabrani za sudjelovanje u programu „The Country Pub Project”?

Yes, the five selected pubs that receive the grant will need to list on Airbnb as part of the project. More details will be set out in the agreement which each of the five selected pubs will be required to sign with Airbnb.

Mogu li ljudi nominirati svoj lokalni pub (odnosno poslati prijavu umjesto vlasnika)?

Da, možete nominirati pub čak i ako niste njegov vlasnik.

Do kada se mogu slati prijave?

Prijave su moguće do petka, 12. srpnja u 23: 59.

Na osnovi čega će pubovi biti odabrani?

Pubove ćemo odabrati na temelju kvalitete njihovih prijava. Tražimo zanimljiva mjesta te pubove i vlasnike uz koje se vežu sjajne priče.

Kada ćete obavijestiti vlasnike odabranih pubova?

Vlasnike odabranih pubova obavijestit ćemo u tjednu koji počinje 5. kolovoza 2019.

Ako odaberete moj pub, kada ću morati biti dostupan za sudjelovanje u projektu „The Country Pub Project”?

Morat ćete biti dostupni od 1. kolovoza do 6. rujna 2019.

What do the selected pubs receive in this project?

Vlasnik svakog od pet odabranih pubova dobit će novčanu potporu u iznosu do 50 000 dolara za revitalizaciju i obnovu svog puba te pomoć stručnjaka za uređenje prostora. Svaki će vlasnik na raspolaganju imati pomoć iskusnog Airbnb domaćina koji će mu pomoći kreirati oglas na našoj platformi. Airbnb će pomoći lokalnim vlastima da stvore jedinstven doživljaj kojim će privući goste te da pokrenu kampanju koja će vratiti popularnost pubu i mjestu u kojem se on nalazi.

What do selected pubs need to do in order to receive the grant?

Da bi dobio novčanu potporu, vlasnik odabranog puba morat će potpisati ugovor kojim se definiraju prethodno navedeni glavni uvjeti suradnje te ostali uvjeti koji se odnose na objavljivanje slika te drugih osobnih podataka i sadržaja (koji će se koristiti pri promociji ovog projekta), kao i uvjeti koji se odnose na objavljivanje podataka o samom sponzorstvu (u okviru komunikacije s korisnicima o projektu na društvenim mrežama puba).

Do selected pubs have to spend the money on specific things? How will spending be monitored?

A grant of up to $50,000 will be allocated to the renovation and revival of each pub. Airbnb will work with the publican to determine how to use these funds. The grant will be utilised towards expenses incurred for the revival and renovation works, which have been agreed between the pub and Airbnb.

Are the selected pubs given a lump sum?

No. The grant can only be utilised towards expenses incurred by the pub for its revival and renovation works, which have been agreed between the pub and Airbnb (up to a maximum of $50,000).

My pub wasn’t selected, is there another opportunity for me to be involved?

Yes, we will be in touch with all applicants with further information.